Welcome To Silent Hill 3

“You took that thing out!” Raiden said standing over the monster I had previously slain. I stared at it, brick still in hand, surprised by my own actions.
“Yeah, I did!” I said with excitement.
“And to celebrate let’s go into that old school building!” Raiden screamed pointing at a hollow shell of a public education center. My eye couldn’t help but twitch.
“Let’s not. I think I know where the car is Raiden, let’s go in that direction.” I said pointing down a foggy road.
“And risk running into another monster? Are you mad man?! We’ll be much safer in that school building!”
“That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever Raiden.”
Raiden turned and grabbed my color, “Call me a liar.” He growled.
My eyes shifted uncomfortably, “What?”
Raiden’s grip eased, he let me go. Taking a deep breath he started to walk casually towards the school building. As I heard his foot steps echo in the desolate town, it occurred to me that this place could very well be changing Raiden’s personality. I’d seen it before, well… not in person. But the video games I’ve played about this place… actually, this argument really has no validity. Simply put, Raiden’s outburst had me concerned that he may very well turn on me.
Now was not the time to worry however, now was the time to follow Raiden blindly. Like a lemming marching to its grave I followed that blonde haired fool into the school building. It didn’t help my nerves any when Raiden insisted we kick down the door, even though it was barley holding on a hinge anyway.
With a clatter and the sound of glass shattering, we entered into the old quiet school building. Now, there were many thoughts going through my mind at this point. The first being that despite the duration of time I had spent in Silent Hill, I didn’t feel hungry in the slightest. The second was the fact that James and Harry were still missing up to this point.
So, with that knowledge, I knew I would have to man up and do my best to find those two before I could leave Silent Hill. What kind of man would I be if I left them behind? Now was the time to be courageous and strong, I nodded and gritted my teeth. Raiden led the way through the building, it was dead quiet.
Then I heard something fall over.
“Shoot it!” I screamed dropping to the ground.
Raiden spun around and let off three rounds from his pistol, “Is it invisible?! I cant see anything?!”
I looked up slowly, and realized that a picture had fallen off the hallway’s wall, “Well…yeah… good job killing it Raiden.” usually I don’t lie, but for once Raiden had reacted quickly in order to protect us, so I figured I’d give the man some encouragement.
He laughed and fixed his hair, “I know! That monster didn’t know what to expect! Did you monster! DID YOU?!”
I stood up slowly and tried to steady my breathing, “Maybe this place isn’t so bad after all. I mean look my radio hasn’t gone of once since we entered in…”
Of course, right then, the radio went off. Static filled my ears, the game was afoot, my life at stake once again. I could only hope Raiden would be able to shoot as fast as he did the first time…

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